About Our Cattery
We are located in the mountains of West Virginia right off the I 79 interstate. A very country cattery, the Ragamese kittens are based on our love of the Ragdoll breed and the Siamese Breed , bred together to get the best qualities of both breeds, all kittens are brought up within our family.
We are not a kitten mill. All of our kittens are treated as part of our family, given the best foods and health care possible, along with our love, attention, and affection; until you pick them up. Which means you get a well socialized kitten, already litter box trained and eating solid food. Already accustom to other cats and our two nutty dogs. Not a kitten that has been hiding in a corner, or in a box, afraid of people, for the 8 weeks before you pick yours up. You are guaranteed NONE of the problems associated with many cat breeders (inbreeding), as these are a pure bred mix and their genes could never have crossed. The Ragamese is an upcoming breed to be recognized by most all of the main cat associations. Many References available upon request.

When looking for a new cat or kitten , please choose a responsible cat breeder , one that meets the following checklist and one that asks you to sign a contract for spay and neuter proof , in this day and age its very important to be responsible with all the unwanted cats and kittens in the world , this is a must ! please visit the following link to view the checklist :

We also offer Purebred Registered Ragdolls . I used to breed Ragdolls in Canada and when i moved to WV and remarried , my husband and I decided to combine the Ragdoll and Siamese Breeds , which is the Ragamese . I have missed breeding Ragdolls so we decided to get back into them again , we will still offer Ragamese as well , so you are getting a great choice with us . We do not inbreed our kittens , they are always un related to each other .
All our kittens are raised with much love and we take great pride in our kittens and want only the best for them and our fellow cat lovers !!